viernes, 22 de agosto de 2008

Song: SOME LIKE IT HOT by Power Station

I must thank my student Daniel for giving this material for me to prepare the following exercises.
Here it goes...
1.Print the following exercises on the song

2. Watch the video of the song

viernes, 8 de agosto de 2008

Defining and non defining relative clauses

please print this for the class
Defining Clauses

In defining relative clauses, the information given is essential to the understanding of the sentence.


They helped a man who was injured.I like houses which were built in the 19th century.

In these first example, the defining clause beginning with 'who' tells us which man we are talking about. In the second example, the defining clause beginning with 'which' defines what kind of houses I like. Defining relative clauses make clear which person or thing we are speaking about.

Non-Defining Clauses

In non-defining relative clauses, the information is not essential to understanding the sentence, but gives additional information.


Mr. Brown, who enjoys going to the theater, has been invited to join our club.Whiting House, which was built in 1856, is an important local monument.

In the first example, Mr Brown is defined (the man who has been invited to join our club). The fact that he enjoys going to the theater gives us additional, but not necessary information. In the second example, the particular house is named and therefore defined, the year in which the house was built is additional information.

Punctuation is very important in non-defining clauses. A comma is placed before the relative pronoun and at the end of the clause.

Exercise 1
Decide whether the following clauses are defining or non-defining clauses. Insert commas where necessary.

The car which was a rare sports coupe was built in 1966.
We invited the boy who Tom had met the week before to the party.
Our friends who we met at university are coming to visit next week.
That is the building where they shot the film 'Vanilla Sky'.
Mr Jackson whose son also goes to this school will be attending the party next weekend.
The author's latest book which has become a bestseller is about two children in Jamaica.

Exercise 2

Work together to expand the following story by using as many non-defining relative clauses as you can. Feel free to make a funny story!

A man called Peter took an airplane to New York to visit his sister. When he arrived at the airport, a old man asked him a question. Peter gave a short reply and the man invited him for a drink. Peter accepted, and after he had the drink, caught the airplane to New York. When he got to his sister's apartment, his sister invited him into the living room. As he entered the room, he was surprised to see the same man.
Read this (you can print it if you want)

(non defining)
And do this on line

martes, 5 de agosto de 2008

Weekly practice

Dear students, find your names and an activity below.


Gaston and Dani: On line activities

Hernan and Diego: On line activities

Silvana: On line activities

Lucio: On line activities

Belén: This link will be useful for the whole course. We will work with this along all the book.
1. choose the option "units 1 and 2"
2. choose the option "1 and 2a"
3.There you have 3 options. Feel free to practice there.
in main menu :you have definitions
in exercise: you have activities
in games menu: you have 3 games for this unit

Caro, Marce and Adri:
Copy, paste and print this. It's extra revision on tenses. It's not mandatory.

In each group of four, there is one incorrect sentence. Which one is

1. Present simple

a. We play football every weekend
b. Do you like fish?
c. I feel sick.
d. He works at home today.

2. Present continuous

a. I am learning Arabic at the moment.
b. Is she sleeping?
c. Look! They’re painting their house red!
d. I’m really liking this cake – it’s delicious.

3. Past simple

a. We played tennis on Friday
b. Where did you go yesterday?
c. Did you like the film?
d. I knew him all my life until now.

4. Questions

a. Do you want some tea?
b. Is he here?
c. Who did break the window?
d. How often do you have classes?

5. Word order

a. It was a big green bird.
b. She speaks well English
c. Are you feeling OK?
d. Who were you talking to?

6. Auxiliaries

a. I really do not agree with you.
b. Do you want to help me or not?
c. Does he is leaving today?
d. Will you finish this work for me?
this is a glossary for the book. It is divided in units(print it, it has useful vocabulary...I see that this is a problem for you)
and finally this is a dictionary from the book in alphabetical order:

Jorge and Male:
An article, please print it:

enjoy them!

martes, 29 de julio de 2008

Modal Verbs of Likelihood


Here I send you some extra on line practice for unit 5.
It will take only 2 minutes to do it. Today we'll finish this unit.

See you today.

Final Vocabulary Practice

Marce, Caro and Adri:

Today we practice vocabulary and appart from that, I will be answering questions on the grammar file. This is the last class before the exam!

This is a list with all the vocabulary and the pronounciation from the book, You need to PRINT THIS:

See you!


domingo, 27 de julio de 2008

Projects Interchange Intro

Gaston, Dani And Diego:
Please print these copies.
They are complements for each unit of the book. I will tell you when you should do each activity.
Thank you

viernes, 25 de julio de 2008

Conversation. Elementary

Gaston, Diego and Dani!!!!!
Print this for the class please.
One copy for each of you.
Thank you.

Always there

Simple Past vs. Present Perfect

Marce, Caro and Adri.
These are sites where you can find activities on this topic.

You may do them on line. It will take just 2 minutes.

Video Class


Please print and do the following activity.

We will correct it next class


Miss Ana ;)


Meet Joe Black (Elementary and Pre-Intermediate)

1. Watch the chunk

2. Answer these questions

· What are the names of the two famous actors performing this chunk?
· Can you remember any films in which they have performed in?
· What is Parrish wearing? (please be specific with colours)
· What is Joe Black wearing?
· What are the people in the meeting eating and drinking?
· Does Joe speak during the chunk?
· Is there a woman in the meeting?

3. Watch it again

4. Fill in the gaps with the following business words

Meeting- Earned-Chairman-Business-Buying -Profit-Absorb-Pay-Responsibility-Selling-Standards-Exploitable- Company-Sale

Drew: To review -- we're really crossing the 't's and dotting the 'i's here. Bill had a great and conclusive ______________yesterday with John Bontecou. And all that remains for us is to put it to a vote.
Parrish: Thank you, Drew. Yeah. I did enjoy -- or rather I was interested in meeting John Bontecou, yesterday. And -- impressive, I suppose. But... But, it did get me to thinking. See, I started in this _________because this is what I wanted to do. I knew I wasn't going to write the great American novel, but I also knew there was more to life than_________ something for a dollar and _______it for two. I'd hoped to create something, something which could be held to the highest__________. And what I realized was I wanted to give the news to the world, and I wanted to give it unvarnished. The more we all know about each other, the greater the chance we will survive.
Sure, I want to make a_________. You can't exist without one. But John Bontecou is all profit. Now if we give him license to _________Parrish Communications, and he has his eye on a few others after us, in order to reach the world you will have to go through John Bontecou. And not only will you have to ________him to do this, far more important, you'll have to agree with him.
Reporting the news is a privilege and a________, and it is not__________. Parrish Communications has______ this privilege. John Bontecou wants to buy it. As your__________, I urge you to agree this ______is not for________.


jueves, 24 de julio de 2008

past participles

Marce, Adri and Caro

Here are the participles that were missing....

print them and study them for the exam!

See you!

lunes, 21 de julio de 2008

Listening BEC HIGHER Practice Exam


  1. Go to the link below
  2. In the "General" menu, click on the link: BEC Higher sample papers (ZIP 15.7Mb)
  3. Download it and print it for the class

lunes, 14 de julio de 2008


This is a new start!!!!

Welcome to In Company English, a blog where I can share activities and news with my students and the space where I can get in touch with new students as well.
In this site you will find the perfect complement for my classes. That means that you won't get rid of me easily....Now I´m everywhere!

Let's get started!!!!

Miss Ana